Sunday, February 27, 2011

A life without yarn... no life for me.

A life wiithout yarn is close to what my actual life has been like recently. It's sad but true. I was very busy the first two weeks of Feburary. Feburary is the start of the fiscal year in retail (at least in my retail employer's calander) plus the department I work in is very busy for the first two weeks in February. The upside is that we did very well. Beat all the other stores in the area and came in second company wide when measured in percentage of sales over goal. My bosses boss came by on Saturday to congratulate us on our performance.

Aside from the insanity the is retail, life has been hectic. I am the principal grocery purchaser, meal planner and cook. While I enjoy this- really, I get to use recipies and ingredients that I've never had the courage to try before, it takes a lot of time. And when time is limited, cooking for a family of five takes priority over knitting for my own sanity.

Though my sister has recently come into possession of a serger, which she has graciously shared with yours truely. It will make sewing less time consuming and more productive. I have yet to use if for any major projects, but I have some slated. I keep telling myself that on my next day off, I will make a pair of pajama pants for my mom. Fabric bought and washed, pattern created, pattern altered, fabric cut and marked. Now all I need to do is place fabric, serger and myself in the same place for an hour. Tuesday- that is my next day off. It will happen then...

I have also started the design prosess for a quilt. I have not finished with the last quilt I blogged about, but I need to start the next one to have it done by the time it needs to be. I've already got the fabric for the background- batiks ranging from light grey to deep purple-y grey. I am still looking for a verdant green that would be a striking contrast to the greys, but no luck this far. In order to get the project started, I think I will postpone the search for the perfect green to get the rest of the quilt designed and pieced. Then I will find a green and applique it on.

Work continues on the fair-isle vest. Though between that and the current pair of socks (Skew from Knitty Winter 2009) (Forgive me, I'm to lazy to hyperlink to the pattern right now.) I craved a different project done on larger needles. The solution: a bag knit in worsted weight cotton on size three needles. That's only <b>one<b/> size up from the size two needles in the vest, or the size one needles for the socks.

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